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5 Easy Ways to Stop Aging!

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I can’t tell you enough how important it is to start early. In my last beauty blog post (here), I spoke about the Olay Eyes Collection! I mentioned how skin around our eyes ages earlier and faster than other skin on the face making the eye area can look up to 20 years older than skin on the rest of the face. :0 The Olay collection includes 5 eye products that tackle 5 most common eye aging concerns most of us women are struggling with: wrinkles and crow’s feet, dark circles, sagging and bags/puffiness.

We all know that our skin will naturally start to age as we age. It’s a fact that we hardly think about when we’re young. Our collagen levels are high, we still have high energy and looking young isn’t something we think about while we’re young. 


What we need to realize is that if you start dealing with the tiny problems now, they won’t be as bad when it starts to really matter.

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I did a bit of research and found 5 ways to significantly lessen these aging concerns early:

1. Have a healthy diet. I know you’ve probably heard this before but that’s because it’s true. You need to nourish your skin from the inside out. Easier said than done but this helps with so many aspects of your life. Fruits and vegetables have fiber and antioxidants that are great for you and your skin!

2. Wear sunscreen. A study published by the Annals of Internal Medicine found people who used sunscreen regularly were 24 percent less likely to show increased signs of aging. That was all I needed to hear!

3. Use dedicated eye creams. There are many products out there but I recommend the OLAY EYES collection since they target all the aspects of the spectrum.

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– For Dark Circles, wrinkles and puffiness – Olay Eyes Ultimate Eye Cream

– For deep wrinkles – Olay Eyes Pro-Retinol Eye treatment

– For dark circles – Olay Eyes Illuminating Eye Cream

– For Sagging Skin – Olay Eyes Lifting Serum

– For eye bags – Olay Eyes De-Puffing Eye Roller

Olay Eyes is available where Olay products are sold for $24.99 SRP

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4. Get a good night’s rest. This is something I really struggle with. I always feel like there’s something I need to be doing and I think i’ve tricked my body into thinking 4 hours of sleep is enough. I’m going to have to get more organized and factor the full recommended 8 hours into my schedule.

5. Drink lots of water. We know we should be drinking at least 8 glasses a day. Water does the trick.

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Let me know if you have any other natural tips or tricks to fighting this aging thing!

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